Saturday, June 30, 2012

Who is MACUL what can they do for you!

What They Do

MACUL helps educators identify sound educational practices related to technology as well as understand the implications of rapid changes in technology.  Recognizing the challenges in preparing students, we strive to encompass the entire educational community from preschool through college level.
MACUL is a force in building professional coalitions with organizations including the Michigan Virtual University, the Michigan Department of Education, AT&T, and others to benefit educators and students in the integral use of technology in education.
We are an organizational affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

Our Purpose

  • To provide a state association for educators involved with, or seeking knowledge of, educational computing and technology.
  • To provide for the sharing and exchanging of ideas, techniques, material, and procedures for use in educational technology and for the improvement of educational computing through conferences and publications.
  • To promote recognition of the vital professional role played by the educational technology specialist in schools and the level of competence required for this role.
  • To promote and encourage effective, ethical, and equitable use of computer-related technology in education.
  • To encourage and support research relating to educational computing and technology.
  • To work in conjunction with other state and national organizations who have similar purposes.


MACUL is a catalyst of innovation in education by strengthening relationships among educators, leading pedagogical change, and empowering schools with world-class professional development opportunities.

Mission Statement

MACUL ignites learning through meaningful collaboration and innovation.

MACUL Core Value Statements

* Relevance: MACUL pledges to sponsor initiatives that are meaningful and timely.
* Collaboration: MACUL is committed to seeking and fostering opportunities that ignite learning.
* Innovation: MACUL is dedicated to the promotion of unique sustainable solutions.
* Integrity: MACUL intentionally and ethically promotes professional behavior.

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